Maybe you will find this helpful: — Legal mumbo-jumbo — — Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999 by Digital Wizards — Author: MІ (msquared) — …
This should works with both checkboxes turned ON ( global rol_selectSimilar try(destroyDialog rol_selectSimilar)catch() rollout rol_selectSimilar …
I have tested it in Max 2009. The script works with no errors when the both checkboxes are not turned On at the same time. Please, see this video:
I have edited the tags in my previous post. Can you try again?
Try this: ( global rol_selectSimilar try(destroyDialog rol_selectSimilar)catch() rollout rol_selectSimilar “Select Similar” ( checkBox chkBox_s…
OK. Those objects have the same verts count, size and overall shape. But why the script to which I gave you a link(and whcih you have tested) not work…
OK. But can you tell the names of 3-4 objects that are the same and the criteria that you use to “mark” them as “the same”?
I have to go to sleep now(here is 03:015 after midnight) but you can upload a test scene to show which objects are “similar” for you. I have tested th…
For situation like in the image: BBoxIntersection.PNG765x538 47.3 KB The cage shows the world BBOx of the box object. All spheres are inside this …
I am asking for general cases. I have done a quick search in the internet but was unable to find the code for 3d bbox intersection. Tomorrow I will co…
And can this be done with built-in intersects command?
I have one question regarding the bounding box intersection. For not rotated Box primitive the corners of the boundingbox have the same position as th…
Denis, thank you for the code. Now I have two working codes with two different solutions. Merry Christmas to all of you and all the best to you and yo…
Thank you. So the script will check the length of the spline and if it is too long(too many numbers before the decimal point) it will use smaller valu…