try2script: helper and apply CA to it in every max file that you use? The goal is to avoid any objects that will hold the CA. If I send you a max…
I have added two functions written by denisT and posted in the forum a while ago. ( fn removeInstancesFromArray arr = ( local objsToP…
global rol_ try(destroyDialog rol_)catch() rollout rol_ “” ( local buttonArr = #() button btn_aa “Btn 01” button btn_aaaa “Btn 02” on rol_ open …
The second and third bones are linked , the first one is not, so: quatToEuler2 $.transform.rotation
You can fIrst set the object’s rotateion to 0 and then rotate it to desired angle. But wait the maxscript’s professionalists to show you how to do it …
— Get the angles displayed in the Transform Type In dialog quatToEuler2 $.rotation.controller.value — zero rotation $.rotation = quat 0 0 0 1 -…
PolyHertz: Also, I had no idea some parts of Maxscript had issues with different localisations like that. I also did not know until I faced the p…
The modify panel should be open. The subobjectlevel is not important. How to calcualte new pos ayou already know. ( max modify mode subobjcetlevel …
Save this as mcr file and drag and drop it onto 3ds max viewports. Then add a hotkey to it. Select some objects and use the hotkey. macroScript Assig…
polyop.setVert geo 1 (polyop.getVert geo 1) Not works in max 2018 and max2019. But PolyTools3D: Try: polyop.setvertselection geo (polyop.getv…
( global rol_ try(destroyDialog rol_)catch() rollout rol_ “MaxRollout + Animated GIF” ( local splashscreenGIF = @”D:\SplineDeformSplash.gif” …
( global rol_miauuInstaller — local lab_splashScreen local splashscreenGIF = @”D:\SplineDeformSplash.gif” function SetControlPosition posX posY…
Yep, you are right. The “problem” is that I have to move the cursor exactly over this scrubber to “select” it. Which is not the same as using the MMB …
Same here – no more than 2- post for mouse scroll.