Select editable spline or line object and execute this: ( curO = selection[1] if classOf curO == splineShape or classOf curO == Line do ( max mo…
( selSetArr = join #() (SelectionSets[“FOX”]) lightObj = omniLight() lightObj.includeList = selSetArr )
Hobbs: the undo buffer gets wiped after its completed Check which part of your “tool” deletes the UNDO buffer and fix it if it is possible.
Normal is a vector. It has only direction. For your point helper if you get normal of a vertex, then use the vertex position, if you get normal of a f…
aksmfakt132: I want to register my script in the Scriptspot But I can not find a way to register anywhere Log in to your scriptspot account, the…
Thank you.
Glad to help.
How fast is this: ( objMod = modpanel.getCurrentObject() allSelEdgesBIT = objMod.getSelection #Edge allSelEdges = allSelEdgesBIT as array gev =…
IreMaster: I need to have a list of all the z where a vertical line penetrates the scene in coordinates (x,y). Since you do not have Z value then…
Use objects.min and objects.max cross (normalize x) (normalize y)
Thank you. So, the functions and the variables have to be global(or members of a struct).
It seams that nothng works as I want. Persistent globals are “merged” but: When merging or XRef-ing in a file (scene/object XRefs are a special case…
Check the code in my first post. Two max files with different CA added to the rootNode of the two files. When I load Teapot_01.max the added CA is “lo…