In total show globalInstance.coreinterface7 prints 177 properties on his PC and 229 on mine PC.
Strange: This is from his max 2020.2(executing this ( globalInstance = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).instance show globalInstance.c…
denisT: ask him/her to go to the listener and execute the line: (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).instance.coreinterface7.SnapAngle_ it …
This is the code that I posted inmy first post but saved in a ms file, which I sent to him. Since he run 3ds Max as administrator I suppose that he ra…
This is the whole error log. Nothing else is printed in the maxscript listener.
Is this possible? 3ds Max to be shipped with two different interfaces?
I also don’t get any error in max 2020.2 but this error occurs on another person’s PC and his max 2020.2. Is there any chance third party tool to “ove…
Thank you.
Then I am doing something wrong. Create a plane Copy the plane Add Edit Poly modifeir to plane001 and extrude some faces Add Edit Poly modifier to p…
addModifierWithLocalData Does this works with Edit Poly modifier?
Is there a problem with the name of the function and the arguments? Most probably I have taken this fn from some of your posts: I…
Denis, I read all this before to creat the thread here but I did not found how to properly use(set) the WHEEL_DELTA with windows.postmessage.
Thank you. Works as it should.