denisT: sounds like a slogan Thank you for the help.
You are right to not agree, because you are right. The fault was in my test scene. With new test scene everything works as you described.
Thank you. In your code setgrouphead head on have to be before the attachchildnodes head cc. For now I use this code, whcih replaces every head of a …
The Reset XForm utility and the XForm modifier does nothing to a group, but ResetXform $Group001 applied to the group’s head transforms the group an…
The only difference that I can see is that the selection brackets are not aligned to the world XYZ axes. The pivot is oriented the same way in both ca…
No one has expected this bug back in the days. And yet AD surprised us.
Did you forget that RETURN at the end of the functions was broken in … 3ds Max 2016(or some other new version in the 3ds Max back in the years)?
( for obj in objects do ( select obj optMod = ProOptimizer() addModifier obj optMod optMod.Calculate = true redrawviews() vertCnt = …
( numFaces = 0 for o in geometry do ( numFaces += (getPolygonCount o)[1] ) out_name = “D:\\meshFace.txt” out_file = createfile out_name for…
Render Info Strip script by Sowrdslayer: Time Stamp Render Effect:
Go to where your 3ds max is installed and in the MacroScripts folder you will find the Macro_BakeTextures.mcr which is the Render To Texture tool.
I think that Swordslayer have to visit this thread and to explain the reason for the problem.
denisT: do you really need it ? you have it now… are you happy? He have KeyHidra installed bacause he is the owner of KeyHidra.
This is the problem: If I unsintall keyhydra I don’t have this issue anymore