( local poGetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter local poGetEdgesUsingFace = polyop.getEdgesUsingFace local poCreateShape = polyop.createShape top…
Those values are used to find the top and bottom polygon using the polygon’s center. No angles are involved. This have to skip splines, only editable…
( local poGetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter local poGetEdgesUsingFace = polyop.getEdgesUsingFace local poCreateShape = polyop.createShape top…
I used the scene you provided. Select all objects from which you want to extract the shapes run the script If you have object with more than one “t…
This code not check the orientation of the polygons. It will find top and bottom polygon and will extract is edges as a shape. ( local poGetFaceCent…
Use this: ( allCamsArr = cameras as array for c in allCamsArr where not c.isHidden do setTransformLockFlags c #all ) Avoid selecting objects if is …
$ represent currently selected object or objects. When you have only one object selected then you can use $ as you use it in your code. But when you h…
rollout newRollout “Move Vertex” width:200 height:200 ( button bnt1 “Y +0,3” pos:[10,35] width:100 height:40 on bnt1 pressed do with undo “Mov…
tiltedVisor: filein “$userScripts//ProjectNotesScript.ms” I don’t know if this will help but replace all / with \ in your paths to files/folders …
You can check this(paid script) if you want:
Check maxscript reference for substituteString. substituteString <source_string> <from_string> <to_string> Returns a new string wit…
dnCB.ItemHeight = 20
If I remember correctly you use single structure and everything else is “inside” this structure – rollout, functions, etc. I have this code of yours,…
What do you mean?