Maybe this will help you: ( proxysArr = #(“proxy_001_1200x300″,”proxy_002_1200x300″,”proxy_001_1200x400″,”proxy_650x350”) objsArr = #(“object_1200x…
Try with this: usedMaps()
You have to rotate the verts of the mesh about your point. Maxscript version for editable poly: ( angle = 45 vertsToMove = $.selectedVerts selCente…
Check this: – 20 Mar 15 polyop.attach obj1 obj2 in SDK How would you attach 2 or more objects in th…
The loop is for all selected Editable poly objects. So you can change the edge constarint for all of them. To test it create few spheres, convert them…
rollout combobox_test “Combo Box” ( group “Edge Constraint Options” ( combobox edgeConstraint “Constraints” items:#(“None”, “Edge”,”Face”,”Normal”…
In Max2019 the code works with no errors. This will not be the first time when something is not in the maxscript Help file but works inside 3ds Max.
Max 2019 +
For 3ds Max 2019 and above try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( button btn “button” pos:[5,5] on x resized size do ( btn.width = s…
Thank you, guys.
Julien_L: mat01 = (matrix3 [-0.95407,0.14169,-0.263958] [-0.211014,-0.943264,0.256371] [0.212657,-0.300295,-0.929839] [-2.59766,-51.5166,16.7929]) f…
Thank you. If the returned value is FALSE no window can’t be open, which makes DialogMonitorOps unusable. DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:…
— — — 01.04.01, swami*, a.k.a. “codeWarrior()”, — Written for MAX r3.1 — ————————– — FUNC…