My previous post quoted Larry Minton – the creator of Maxscript. This is his answer in the thread that I posted in the 3ds Max Beta team forum.
In the TextPlus’s method that builds the object, the string to display is acquired and shape buffers are built from that before the tracking value (or…
Yes, the text matches the frames, but the mesh is not updated properly.
Thank you, Denis, I modified your code to this: ( delete objects tp1 = textPlus size:25 pos:[0,0,0] tp2 = textPlus size:25 pos:[0,50,0] textO…
I am testing it on max2020 and it not works. Here is a video that shows what happen on my PC. ” “
Hi, Andres! Thank you. Yes, no mater what I do it not works. But if a regular Text object is used then everything works fine. ( tp1 = text pos:[0,0…
Here is updated code: ( tp1 = textPlus size:25 pos:[0,0,0] tp2 = textPlus size:25 pos:[0,50,0] textObjsArr = #(tp1, tp2) strArr = #(#(“Monday…
Do you mean to set the FPS here: TimeConfiguration.png422x558 18 KB The same problem exist when I set FPS to 1.
Test this: — try (cui.unregisterdialogbar myscript) catch () try (destroydialog myscript) catch () rollout myscript “object_replacer” width:280 hei…
One array for geometries and one for their names. Both arrays has the same amount of items, so when you remove/move an object from the multilistbox yo…
If there is no need to select objects – avoid it. — try (cui.unregisterdialogbar myscript) catch () try (destroydialog myscript) catch () rollout m…
This will select all items in the multilistbox: lbx_objects.selection = #{1…(lbx_objects.items.count)}
This is what is printed in the MaxScript Listener — your code #(“Cam 7500 front crew seat – F0”, “front”, ” crew seat”, “0”) #(“Cam 7500 front 23in…
I don’t know if this will help you: ( arr_sceneCams = for cam in cameras where classof cam != targetobject collect arr_netCams…