This is wrong in this particular case, or in general?
If you want to use your script for multiple objects: ( timeres = 1f fn getrot t = ( selObjsArr = selection as array for obj in selObjsArr do …
This was my first thought but I decided to ask. Thank you.
Thank you, Serejah. This way I can get the list of the names. But I need all settings per name/preset. The task is to mimic the Output Size group of c…
Sometimes I use timestamp(). Especially for naming temporary objects or files. Most of the times I use option 1.
Is Point Visible in Camera View 3ds Max SDK and MaxScript fn isPointInCameraFrustrum thePoint theCamera = ( thePosInCamera = thePoint * i…
Maybe I am missing something but I use the Abbreviations for the same purpose.
Check this: The problem with the dotNet open picture 3ds Max SDK and MaxScript Image img = Image.FromFile( @“d:\psb.jpg…
I have to check it again, but in max 2021 this problem is solved: Swordslayer Sep ’19 This is the problem: g = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalI…
What is “masks” for all layers?
I have the same issue(occasionally) not only with Max2020. The only solution for me is to restart 3ds max. When I use dotnet(base64 decode/encode) to…
Thank you, Denis! Everything works except when the animation is rendered. The rendered images shows only the text of frame 1.
Yes. The animation of the Text object is from MaxScript Reference file: