You can use it with dotnet controls or you can use it with 3dsMax controls.
There is a tool from LoneRobot which converts bitmaps to dotnet base64 strings. Use it to crate base64 strings of your images. Then load all images wh…
I don’t know. Finish your script and post the Import part here.
Something like this: ( filesToImportArr = #(filePath1, filePath2, filePath3) for f in filesToImportArr do ( importFile f fileName = getFilen…
What about: lightl=$LIGHT_01 print lightl.sizeLength print lightl.affect_reflections and so on.
theHold.Begin() — all your code to create polygons. NO Undo On/Off. for i = 1 to PolyArray.count-1 do ( polyop.CreatePolygon oPoly PolyArray[i] …
Have you tried with the theHold.Begin(), theHold.Accept() ?
( for o in selection do ( o.layer.setname ) )
How the Max to know the bounds of your face only by knowing the face center and face normal? The ray may hit the face near any of its edges.
( sel= getvertselection $ for i in sel do ( pos = getvert $ i setvert $ i [pos.x,pos.y,0] ) update $ )
I can check tomorrow evening.
Thank you.
I’ve sent you a new scene. With my code it also crashes max unless I put everything after the functions into the with undo off(). From what I fount th…