I think it looks little better now or not?
Obviously it does not go through this “system.windows.forms.tabcontrol” to change all interface colors. With C# will teake me, much time to do this. …
Hi ShanDong this line is good (t1.CreateGraphics()).FillRectangle Brush Rect but how to do this now… ()
here is thre diferent ways, this time with no errors, but result is the same… Global testTabForm ( try testTabForm.close() catch() –net fn …
it works! you are wery good thank you Denis
what a pity setLifetimeControl is missing in max9 #Struct:dotNet( removeAllEventHandlers:<fn>, getType:<fn>, removeEventHandler:<fn>…
dotNetMXSValue works fine, however I have a smal problem here… maybe Big one… when GC() is caled then, form buttons goes to dead. GLOBAL NEW_FORM…
so simple wow Thank you Denis :applause:
Hi Denis! , I did not know about dotNetMXSValue ,wery good! ( struct FORM_DATA (name=”merlin”, age=240, weight=58.24, childerns = #(“a”,”b”,”c”)) …
good evening try this : sceneRadiosity.radiosity = Light_Tracer() sceneRadiosity.radiosity.bounces = 2 sceneRadiosity.radio…
oki found it must change bordersytyle = none to disable min size limitations form.FormBorderStyle = form.FormBorderStyle.none
hi try this fn GetVectorsAngle v1 v2 = ( theAngle = acos(dot (normalize v1) (normalize v2)) ) GetVectorsAngle [10,0,0] [10,20,0] arbAxis <point…