Hi Enrico , I Must say , Nice Job!!! I like you site A Lot of Stuff for study, Thanks!
magicm: Why not use the Button’s MouseClick event instead? This one already does the work for you as it only fires when the mouse is pressed and rel…
here is some other fn for UIAccessor if anybody need… fn getAllDialogsHWND = ( for i in UIAccessor.GetPopupDialogs() collect (UIAccessor.GetWindowT…
Hi In other cases ,if some apps have version after the title , like this… “FBX Import (Version: 2009.3)” you can use findString fn: for d in UI…
when you open or run a script manulay then sysInfo.currentdir will be changd to current file dir, after this you can get right file path. but getThisS…
Hi When you manualy open or run a script via max interface… after you can use this: sysInfo.currentdir + “\Fix Normal.ms”
It worked now for Max9 , finaly! Thanks Denis 🙂 global WindowWrapper if WindowWrapper == undefined do ( fn getWindowWrapper = ( source = “”…
Hi I was thinking about something like this before heh, but I didnt know how to bind two forms together. Hey Man! You are the Best! Im tr…
I dont know , if I understand what you need, maybe this ? ( local bgColor = ((colorMan.getColor #background)*255)as color local textColor =…
LoneRobot: that’s looking good rene, Another option is to use the dotnet radiobutton with the appearance set to button, It means you can create the…
and now with the icons: [img I like the dotNet Customization cheers oh my bad english . I must edit 100 times… to correct my sentences