Oh ok, that makes sense. Well I will keep trying new things and keep researching the SDK if anything can help me do it that way. Thanks for your help,…
Ok I have added a Modifer to my node, but how would I clear the Smoothing groups ?? as surely I would need to clear the Smoothing groups within the mo…
Edit *: Didn’t mean to add the same thing twice xD I will give it a go now. Thanks Just try it, and didn’t work Also the Node is a Editable Poly and …
I have added that into my code, but its still not changing. I still have to go into the poly level before it will clear the smoothing group. Anything …
Ahh Lovely, everything is where it should be now Thanks
Ahh Perfect, thank you very much ! I was using my own Collapsing function which is why it wasn’t working xD Time to change some code ^^
Hi, Sorry for late reply, I’ve only just tried this out. But if you convert it to a polyObjectClassID and then collapse it. It just leaves me with a P…
Ahh ok, thank you.
Sorry, tbf, I thought you meant that after I include the mnmath.h file, that the Lib file will automaticly be included. Not that I have to include it …
Thank you ! the error is now gone !!
Ok, is it because the MNMesh is NULL ? As i’ve also done it like this: MNMesh* mm = &newObj->GetMesh(); But im still getting that LNK2019 Error…