I mean, I have never used the node->DeleteMe, I always use the GetCOREInterface()->DeleteNode(node) which has always worked for me Edit: is it …
Ahh that is perfect! Exactly what I needed Thank you !!
Sweet, I shall give it a go Thanks
If it could print it into the listener, that would probably be the best way ^^
Sweet, I’ll shall have a look at that now Many thanks guys =]
The Maxscript works exaclty how I want it ^^ I will have a look at the cpp file and hopefully I’ll understand it xD Many Thanks
So I’m using the DoVertWeld from the SDK, is there anyway to change the value Weld Threshold? or as its only a temp value, it can’t be changed ? If so…
Ahh Perfect, I’ve got it Thank you very much =]
Hi, sorry, I didn’t explain very well. On Standard Lights (Omni, Spot, Direct) I need to get access to the VRayShadow params and change the SubDivs.