Ahh Sweet, I thought I had tried the ivalid.SetEmpty(), but maybe not. I shall give a go Thanks for all your help guys
Ahh Thank you so much !!! Works perfectly
I know it can be done easily using a IRollWindow, as you can just set the rollouts and remove them when needed. Although, to use this, you will need a…
Ahhh, that works perfectly for what I need at the moment. Thank you. I understand what you guys are saying about instances and it definitely made me t…
Haha Right xD I’m need the Plugin’s Node transformation for the BuildMesh. I have other nodes that need to attach to the Mesh, but need to stay within…
Ahh ok, that would explain that then. Sorry, I’ll try and explain what I’m trying to do. Within my SimpleObject2 Plugin, I have to get the node as I n…
Ok, I have found a way to do it. Although, it causes a lot of issues if I merge this plugin into a new scene. So looking at the Display function to ge…
Thanks, worked perfectly