That is one awesome time-saver. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Richard, Thanks for the suggestions. I hadn’t thought of creating an optional help argument. I like the idea, but I’m worried it might end up re…
Those sneaky decimals! I thought that might have been it, but I was testing by just calling on the blue channel and not using formattedPrint. I thou…
Hi Colin, Thanks for your reply. I was actually wondering why, in both situations, immediately after assigning the color value the wirecolor says t…
Nevermind, just got it… $.modifiers[1].caDefName[#subAnimName] The entire path doesn’t need to be subAnims, just as long as it finishes with one. T…
Hmm… interesting! I haven’t actually been using it for object creation, but rather toggling visibility of objects. It does get called for every fram…
I think this might be what you’re looking for… [left]#preRenderEval: time [/left] [left]Sent just before the renderer starts evaluating objects. [/l…
This is a tricky one! I feel a bit of a headache coming on now. Having to do so many workarounds! Heres a function I put together that will return …
Hi Rich, Sorry I took so long to respond, been busy. I just converted Paul’s example to Max9 for you. I was heading in a similar direction as him b…
Got an incremental system working and the gun barrel slows down properly, but it is a bit hacky and has some issues. Since the value is being determi…
Yeah you’re right Paul, it doesn’t work for the slowdown, it does just unwind. I’m going to play around with it a little bit.
I’ve run into similar self referencing issues before. From the sounds of it you don’t need to be monitoring the gun barrel’s transform at all though,…