or you could use something like this: boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos – [1,1]) (mouse.pos + [1,1])) you can also use the viewport redraw callback inste…
Denis: The only problem with your solution is that it doesn’t solve the problem correctly. It returns the result: #(“–“, “>”, ” “, “Hello, “, ” “…
This is my try: ( fn splitString str tokens = ( local result = #() local last = undefined local i = 0 local w = “” while i < str.count…
The draw on top can be a bit tricky, you could move the object very close to the camera and scale it down proportionally to get the illusion.
you can use your old solution but apply the transformation to a xForm modifier, just don’t forget that xForm operates in local space, so you need to m…
you can also do this without the use of a script: in the morpher modifier’s channel settings set the minimum value to -100 now add both objects as tar…
how about version 1.5: for c in modifier.classes collect if c.creatable then (c()).name else c.localizedname
Here is a plugin that does exactly what you want:
You could use a displace object with sphere mapping and decay
I didn’t ran your code yet but it sounds like your problem is that you search for intersections only in the tree node that the object is in and not on…
Edit: I need to fix my post
Right it is 16! (20,922,789,888,000) At first I quickly calculated it using mxs with integers but I guess it was to big for an int, walframe alpha con…
lo: I did not cheat in photoshop. What would that prove, that I have the PS skills of a 9 year old? Here is my cheating device. It’s much shorter, …
Papigiulio: Dont need photoshop to cheat, the game is reconfigured randomly, can be he clicked new game until it got 16 correct at once. And even t…