Hi, I don’t know if you found a solution but here is an idea. Let’s mark the edges arround vertex i as ei1, … , ein. For every j between 1 and n lets …
If you are trying to run this script in a 64 bit version of max, you will get this error since it doesn’t support ActiveX controls anymore. The only w…
Denis, I didn’t have time to dive into your code yet, but from a small experiment that I did with it, it looks like it doesn’t work very well with big…
I assumed the inode.handle is what slowed me down but I didn’t know about the GetHandleByAnim, so I gave up. Thanks! This is very useful. Cheers. P.S…
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I think this might be more efficient: ( fn collectUniqueObjs = ( local objs = #() local handles = #{} for o in objects where not handles[o…
You said the objects are modeled as nurbs. If you are importing them into max as mesh then you can use this script that does exactly what you are look…
The script uses the event handlers of a dialog that doesn’t exist in an attribute holder. You could go around this in a couple of ways, for instance: …
I didn’t give any thought to negative numbers, I admit but it looks like it’s working ok to them. Can you give an example? I get these results for …
the main part is the function definition of ‘limit’ the rest is just an example of use. limit expects 2 input parameters: x – the number we want to li…
( fn limit x n = ( (floor (x * 10 ^ n + 0.5)) / 10 ^ n ) local x = random 1. 100. format “% => % ” x (limit x 2) ) EDIT: edited the funct…
You can also use getNodeByName But I prefer something like this: ( … local lightsArray dropdownlist ddlLightList “LightList:” on roll o…
here is a general way of doing that: ( local obj = $ local objMesh = obj.mesh local thresh = 0.001 local vectorsArray = #() local vectorCount = …
hi, It was a long time ago and I don’t remember what exactly was I talking about back then, but I guess I didn’t do it in the end. Any how I’m sure it…
check out this thread , it might give you an idea: