yes recreating the bone chain from scratch is the best solution but he will still need to iterate through the bone chain to find ik solver, if any !
( –//– $ is the root bone! maxOps.CloneNodes $ expandHierarchy:true clonetype:#copy newNodes:&newnode about $.pos scale newnode[1] [1,1,-1] ) …
some dotnet one that I often use :rolleyes: /* .NET */ dcol=(dotnetclass “system.drawing.color”).fromargb 0 0 0 dstr=(dotnetobject “system.str…
Thank ! this work very well :applause: the line to add is : Ctrl+?|IDM_ABBREV|
do you know if it’s possible to remap the shortcut , I don’t find it very straight forward ??
and I really wished the output pane could be used as a listener, so we could ditch the clumsy listener and have a streamlined window for editing and o…
sorry, my mistake I just updated it for max2008, I don’t have it to test it , but it should work, I guest… /* Title : Scene Cleaner v0.51 Author…
well, that just a script that export the scene to a new one using 3ds file format, but I added support for materialID, smootinggroup, object groupping…
Ho! It was part of Richard post, sorry :rolleyes: since I could not find a solution, I’m working on some cleaner to make the export from the infected…
yeah ! someone also send me a scene with the exact same problem and the scene do have those persistent global too : (#Iso2ObjArr, #Iso2View, #Iso2Hi…
Thank pete this one start much more faster, I like it … can we have all the almost white color to the end ? edit: humm , no that’s not a good idea …
also if it hang and crash your 3dsmax,witch will most certainly append, then I’m not responsible :rolleyes:
yes, it will only work in 2009 for now unfortunately!
Cool, it work perfectly … thank
also if you make a dotnetcontrol and set is name to the variable name you can edit this object in the editor and output some code for it …that what I …