Difficult to say :hmm:
Thank ! this may be useful
Thank for the explanation ! so it’s useful when working on big script but I still prefer to see all my code at once
yes, this shouldn’t be such a big deal I never used it, and I’m wondering in witch case this could be useful ?
I’m I right to say that include is slower than putting the actual code since it have to read from disk ?
use filein to execute your script this way you dont have to update the macro definition every time, unless you change the script name ! [CODE – Crea…
I did a test with sharpgl sometime ago, if you want to interact with object this may be more what you’re looking for try (NewForm1.close()) catch …
Ho, that was easy, the image was already in memory so I just used that instead :shrug: try to put winamp in front of the capturing viewport, it’s funn…
Hi guy, just made an example on how to capture viewport using .net and I also put some example on how to use color matrix in maxscript , since there …
Hi Guibou, you disableSceneRedraw() when you need the viewport to stop doing refresh, this way you can select and move stuff around without 3dsmax ha…
( –//– –//– select a bone chain including ik and run the script. –//– fn XMirror = ( local Xhwnd=dialogMonitorOps.getWindowHandle() local X…
hum… it doesn’t always work well with ik but bone chain should be fine
or using some kind of hack from Zeboxx you can do something like this … ( –//– –//– select a bone chain including ik and run the script. –//–…
I always create bone from spline with something like this … ( RigName=”rig” –//– fn CreateBones spln name dir color1 color2 Side front back taper …