Works for me. I have this in my user options file: autocomplete.*.start.characters=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)$_@#. api.*.ms=maxscript.api autoco…
If you are using a version of max older than 2010 then you need to specify the startPath parameter. Any reason you can’t use the copyFile and rename…
I’m not sure it’s necessary to separate the position and rotation values. The times I’ve needed to do this, I just print out all the transforms to a s…
PiniO is right. If Lock UI Layout is disabled you cannot Alt/Ctrl click on toolbar buttons. This is because holding down those buttons allows you to m…
You can use Numsubs to loop through all properties of an object. This function deletes all keys from a node at a given frame. You maybe able to change…
You can also use: unhide objects dolayer:true
Have you tried the CollapseController function? It may not be suitable for you since it removes the list controller. But it does asks bake the animati…
Suggestions Run gc() at the end of the script. myNode = execute (“$’” + “kp02tokp03” + “’”) Try gc light:true
I do a few things to help. If you use the UserScript, UserMacro, UserIcon, UserStartupScripts, and Temp folder you don’t run into permission issues….
What do you mean by freaky? You could also try looping through the keys and changing the Joint to Previous Key and IK Blend options. That will make t…
I took a stab at it. I hope it help you out. ( –CREATE A FUNCTION TO FIND CONTROLLERS THAT SUPPORT KEYS mapped fn getKeys obj theKeys = ( …
I’m not at my computer, but you can access the sub anim controllers using the numsubs property in a recursive function. The test the controller with s…
You can use “at time”. at time 20 ( obj.transform )
Thanks denisT! When ever I feel like I’m at a point I can give really insightful comments, someone always shows me the right way to do things.