yes you shouldnt have any problem many others do this congrats on the sale
$.transform.rotationpart mark
what exactly are you trying to do?
would be quite easy to do – i have use similar stuff before using simple hit testing you want to compare the objects pivot or bounding box to the reg…
hi, yeah its all in the maxscript reference, but its a bit hard to decrypt if your not used to it search for iksys and youll get [left]Methods [/le…
hi, yes create the bone chain first (or any nodes) the iksys creates the ik handle for you so you dont have to create a helper for this ikhandle = ik…
google gimbal lock
lets say you have you object obj1 get its position at frame 10 (pos1), and at frame 9 (pos2) create a vector out of these positions vec = pos2 – pos1…
how are you changing the objects and more importantly when are you changing them?
how could that be possible – maxscripts are evaluated with max – they perform maxcommands , i dont see how you could evaluate them (in any useful way …
yes this is not too difficult, use file methods get a list of scenes in a directory and append each to an array – open each scene and go add the multi…
you can use gc() sometimes it doesnt clean correctly so i use for i = 1 to 100 do ( try (gc()) catch() )
currently in max the only way to create dynamic paramters is to create a string containing the ca def and then execute it e.g. secondspn == true –se…
curve control is reset if the rollout is closed, and you cannot read from it if the curve control UI is not displayed – there are ways to store the in…
hi, try disabling undo for the script, flooding the undobuffer can crash max eg… with undo off ( —-code ) mark