This is just what I needed, thanks a lot. denisT: I thank the easiest way to get the angle is to use angle between a bit before and a bit afte…
Think you need obj.parent It will output undefined if it’s not in a group and a Dummy object if it is. .children on the group should give you an arra…
Just in case anyone else needs it: — The 2 points pnt1 = [5.5,-4.0,3.0] pnt2 = [7.5,-6.0,0] fn createPlane p1 p2 = ( — Get all 4 points topl…
Heh, and here I was expecting some complicated math to get this to work. Excellent, thanks a lot!
Just replying to my previous post in case this might help someone. Made some adjustments to my previous solution, now it can be used for 2 dimensiona…
Hmm, I think I figured it out actually. When I apply the modifier it auto wraps around the object it’s applied to, so I can get the size of the gizmo…
Figured it out, I hadn’t declared the checkbox state as a parameter
Thats works beautifully, thanks a lot!