that would be “section not enhanced”…
In the past, I have been basically tracing over rendered images… In fact I think that what I am looking for would be very difficult to achieve. That’s…
Yes Marc, I know scalpelMax but it does not do what I am looking for :shrug: sm is more like an enhanced slice modifier. I am looking for an object th…
Thank you very much.
Thank you Marc. It all works now!
ok, getFilenameFile makes no sense. I am now looking into a getLoopIndex (?) which does not exist…
at line 14 I am now trying the following: exportFile (“C:\ emp\” + getFileNameFile (i) + “.dwg”) note that i is the number of the cycle used in the s…
I figured out the first problem at line 10: s = section length: 1000 width: 1000 pos:[0,0,i] isSelected:on I am now looking into options for exportFi…
Thank you lo :applause: Is redraw required because I am using a button? I mean a spinner…
yes! Thank you. I got it somehow to work (see attachment) just before reading your post. I am not using else and it seems to work. The big problem I h…