An Area thread on this bug from last year but it mentions the issue being specific to 2014.
we run 2013. thanks for letting me know, I was going to dedicate some serious debugging time to this. Is there an autodesk thread where I can keep an …
So a bone Id is literally just its place in the array.
I prefer my button sizes a little larger than max default size, generally 30 or 40 pixels high. The more important or common the button the larger I …
I agree that the vote options could be clearer. I chose “other” I generally make the UI -and of course it looks like max because its mxs- and then ad…
that lack of case sensitivity is most unsettling to me. I’ve never seen a language that forgoives bad habits like MXS
I only use fn because 1.) its shorter and 2.) I have a few abbreviations that use it. I appreciate the argument for clarity , however. @Klaas, I have…
an example fom another thread the command itself is pretty straightforward paramwire.connect SubAnim1 SubAnim2 Expression Expression must be a str…
I avoid the parameter editor and the wiring dialog like the plague, the ui is horrid. I script both my custom attributes AND my parameter wiring in th…
type this and see which objects are not subAnims classof s.baseObject[#radius] classof rot_list[#Weight__CHN1] classof rot_list.weight[1].controlle…
Hmmm pete I may need t use your tip soon, glad you chimed in.
I dealt with this a year ago in this thread . the summary : Turns out that the property names returned in the script listener using FB…
I think I understand. The previous /next thing is how some code handles arrays. All I did was use existing Max .children and .parent functions to ‘lo…