You cannot assign values to the class, only to the instances of that class. Thanks, Bobo. That clarifies much (This is my first Bobo response threa…
What you need is a parameter block, details of which are skillfully hidden in the Scripted Plugin Clauses section of Max script help. … ( …
Ignorance , mostly. writing the dib to avi also got me perfect fidelity (which might be an option with createPreview, I don’t know… )
I left free dib in the script, I took out the step of saving the dib to a temp file but still got memory bloat. leaking happens when you create a bi…
Hmm… no dice, I’m still getting RAM bloat. I’ll try a windows batch command [edit] oops, did not see the last 3 posts. [edit 2] trying Dennis’ versio…
@SpaceFrog : thnaks for the tip, I’ll try this fn makeAVIpreview height:480 = ( previewFilePath = “//server/path/to/previews/”+(substitutestring ma…
thanks! so it’s basically adding the of all vertex the vert’s neighboring faces and then normalizing the result?
I can write the position script no problem, but I couldn’t find a way to get a transform or normal out of an Editable Poly vertex.
@miauu so in your tool, how are you getting the face ids of a chosen vertex to pass to the attachment constraint?
Scripting the setup of an attachment controller to use a specified vert’s associated face is producing incorrect results. the face ids appear unique t…
linkedXfrom can control verts with objects I want to control objects with verts