there is a bug in your rollout definiton, so it never gets fully defined. you rollout fails to “compile” so to speak so when you call createDialog , t…
Can you flatten the hierarchy without losing your deformations? That is, setting each bone’s .parent=undefined That way you could simply translate th…
This may give you a start… Merge in objects by name mergeObj = #(“A_object”,”b_object”,”c_object”) mergemaxfile “test_A.max” mergeObj Skinwrap …
so to clarify: you have a scene open which contains an object “obj_A” Obj_A is skinned to some bones you have other scene files with additional obje…
merging max files: mergeMAXFile <filename> testing of an object has skin: I want to these merged meshes object connect to with any objec…
Thanks. Now I see the plugin wizard option in VS’s new project dialogue, but selecting it fails and I get a message”Creating project ‘maxProject1’…pr…
Yes, if you can access the object that the function is local to. a function that is local to an instantiated struct , or local to a rollout dialog, o…
for use with actionMan.executeAction?
Calling function with a prefix doesn’t make code ugly, it makes code clearer. Structs are useful and worth learning, Organizing your functions and UI …
+1 to using .xaf files. That’s how Our system works. –modify this to select only fingers fn getctrlList=(for each in $*ctrl_* collect each ) f…
Does this work? on myButton pressed do ( filein “path/to/my/giant/” )
oooo that’s pretty.
fn fn1 aString= (format”String: % ” aString) fn fn2 num method arg= ( if classof arg==string then ( /* since (method as string) returns th…