The relevant help page is under “3ds Max System Directories” in MAXScript help. to view your current data path in 3dsmax.ini : getDir #maxData “C…
does $ not suffice?
Thnak Dennis. your scritp works as advertised In my case, I was stuck with an object B that had a rotation.controller[2]=Euler_xyz. that I can’t chan…
this is just a hack but: you could save the position of the cone to a temporary variable the set the cone’s transform to match the cylinder (which wou…
The current state I have is things show up in the correct position, but with rotations that seem off by 90 degrees in one axis, some of the time. It’…
Thanks all for the replies. please bare with me, I find Matrix stuff to be a black magic box… not for the rotations… you have to convert the matrix …
so, given any (max_pos, max_rot): –Max RH Z up to Direct 3d LH Y up Direct3D_pos = [ max_pos.x , max_pos.z , max_pos.y ] Direct3D_rot = [ max_rot.x…
I seem to have communicated poorly. you both indicate how to turn pos and rot into a matrix, but then what? how do I pass this matrix to the game’s wo…
I’m trying to build a tool that allows the artists to position and orient game objects in Max and then convert the pos and rot data from max’s z-up l…
both objects are in one viewport. the blurry object was copied (shift-drag) from the non-blurry object, then the script was run. Presumably any obj…
The manual process I’m trying to replciate is : given a simplediffuse shader, grab its bitmap texture, and create a new shader with some transparen…
hmm CGTalk ate my upload, I guess. Updated.