I’d buy that too.
uhm…probably math? what I am after is this: with quaternions a 100% rotation match is easy: obj_a.rotation=obj_b.rotation but since a quat’s .x, ….
I’m guessing replace “do” with “collect”
your print attr statement should be inside the inner loop for attrDef in custAttributes.getSceneDefs() do ( for attr in (custAttributes.getDefIn…
I think paramWire.connect could do that. You might have to separate rotation and pos into discreet parameters, though.
sounds like more or less what 3DS Max’s “freeze transform ” (alt+right click menu) is designed to do using list controllers. And since list controller…
Correct. I have two nodes in which I want to rotate,move,scale node A to match node B. yeah, I’m confused what you are asking now, because the above…
here is a function I wrote to match the pos /rot of obj to target. perhaps you can adat it to your needs. It is based on Bobo’s video the Matrix Expla…
like everyone says , use “this” to refer to any variable or function defined inside the struct. the reason is because the name of the instantiated str…
maybe if i describe the situation I have an mxs tool that compiles the textures of single mesh and converts them for game use. imagine a max file fo…
I speak of the external file Path of the bitmap value of the mesh’s diffuse map (in our case each mesh has a single diffuse map bitmap file)
so, now I’m trying to think if any of this collect/dontcollect can help me solve this task: gather all meshes whose diffuse texture is either unique …