in my mxs DLL manager I instantiate classes using System.Activator and passing Type as a dot net object. what happens if you replace MyVC=assembly…
My searches yielded a bewildering array of ways to mangle and obfuscate max texture file paths. I settled on asset Tracker’s AtsOps Interface to man…
nice tool, even scriptable, but I need to know how to do it myself. where can I find the mxs equivalent of the buttons in the bitmap / photometric pa…
thanks, that did it.
Thanks for your responses. I went with Environment variables (I wanted this to take palce in C# not mxs.) I found that with SetEnvironmentVariable , t…
yes that works. I guess the fact that the syntax for one param looked C# -ish confused me. there went one hour :banghead:
Amazing. It works! public static string fbxExport(string filePath) { string fullPath=Path.Combine(filePath); …
Thanks for your reply. This is a level of coding deeper than I have been to before. I’ll try and see if I can shoehorn this into C#
thanks Dennis. Would there be any reason not to use 3dsMax.ini file returned by getMaxIniFile() for this purpose? Or is it more wise to create my own …