“texmap_opacity” is not a property of a standard material, that’s causing the error, seems to be a problem with the replaceinstances() function. edit:…
You can have as many connections to the manager as you want, e.g. you should be able to open several queue monitors, or define several connections in …
skinops.setvertexweights works well. If the bone was not affecting the vertex, it will be added. check this too: skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights
I’d use a custom attribute with a scripted controller to access the text property… open the track view, right click on the text object, click add/edit…
That article is only to understand how the bezier curve is constructed. Then, to make it go through a number of given points, you’re going to need a p…
I’m not quite sure, but I think that you should take another approach to solve your problem, as custom attributes are pretty much sticked to the node …
try this: testCA = attributes “tile color” attribID:#(0x7f7438e5, 0x4515b94b) ( parameters main rollout:tileControls ( tileClr type:#color u…
check the “how to make it better?” section on the maxscript help file, first title. It says “avoid using persistent global variables; persistent glob…
“this” is a reserved name. Try using another name.
Ok, now just guessing, but maybe using execute <string> could work, something like myString = “include \””+(GetDir #maxroot)+”folder\\script.m…
you’re right, and checking the mxs help i’ve found that there’s 2 kind of include… one evaluate the script, the other only inserts the file’s content …
actually that should work fine. Check the string you’re getting from the expression, you have a double backslash in the expression, and that will poin…
I guess it’s ok to call a createDialog in a button method. The thing that doesn’t look clean is to declare the rollout each time you press the button….
check the explodeAllFaces method of a mesh object in the maxscript help, that could be the answer. meshop.explodeAllFaces <mesh> <threshold&…
worked like a charm. Thank you very much. I was trying to change the properties instead of creating a new font object…