thanks this binary mode works, interestingly I tried this as well but with fopen fclose etc and there didnt. Thanks a lot.
here is an image of the result. I try to put the lines into string and then save it into text file. I guss it would be less effecient.
It does output cr/lf on max 2009 64 bit on winx64 bit. What max version do you have? maybe I will have a chance to try on different versions. This st…
nope, unfourtnately it is still CRLF Some people mentioned that it is something to do with the os, but I hope there is still a way to fix this. for n…
This one is very good idea thanks, Maybe I will try both.
Thanks well, I thought I would manage by programming, but if nothing else then I would use this idea.
this might help, try the second.
There is a solution for you if the vertex order doesnt count… This is based on face order, so this way is much easier. The code is written by perpixe…
I got an other info, that I should duplicate as many time those vertices which have more than one texture vertex assigned as many more tverts there. I…
Hej Martin, I know that, but the file format I am exporting to., striuctly forbid to have more than one texture coord for a vertex. However, all othe…
I did an other shorter code, and it does the job, but there are seams, and problems. Anybody could give me a hand to fix that? Note, this time I didnt…
now, meshop.defaultMapFaces fixes this trouble and makes it simple, nopw I got the uv coordinates out, however it does look like there is planar mappi…