Originally Posted by dunkelzahn Don´t get your spirits too high. Our results weren´t that good (massive file sizes, bad quality) and we decided again…
Thank you Berglte for this link! this script look cool and works fine in 2010 I just don’t know how to launch the python exporter in blender I know i…
thank you, you are right
thank you gyus
I believe your constructor is incorrect. Try this: you can either use “Distortion__lume” or “Distortion()” (cf help files) renderscenedialog.upda…
Got it! I just spy how Paul Neal did is custom helpers By the way, is there a best way to do that? rad = 15 c1=circle radius:rad c2=circle radius:r…
I am curently using a SphereGizmo and I want to have a specific design, I don’t like manipulators. I want all to be in the script, no plug ins or some…
thank you, I will digg this
I don’t speak about doing things on rollout open… I want some buttons disabled if ‘$.MyGroup01’ doesnt exist in the scene. then auto enabled if ‘$.MyG…
thank you guy, I have some work to understand all this will try and Pixel_Monkey, I m really afraid of that freaky evil monkey!