erilaz: Artur, not what I wanted, but exactly what I needed! It actually makes a lot more sense to do it the way you have implemented. The code i…
I’m working on an asset management/distribution system for our studio, which will be based around Python, MAXScript and open source software like MySQ…
Finally, all of a sudden, I found a way of connecting to a DB through ODBC connectors. All you really need (in my case at least) for connecting to a …
Thank you very much, I’ll dive into it as soon as I find some spare time and post my results. Thanks again, much appretiated!
I finally got to working on this mini-project of mine (the database stuff) and I downloaded the MyX COM obj, but I have problems connecting to the dat…
Thanks a lot! Will give it a go.
thatoneguy: That’s correct. It requires dotNet. However… the old method usually works on Max 8 so I’m assuming you’ve upgraded. btw. A really gr…
Tahnk you very much for your insight, thatoneguy, I’ll give it a shot at our studio tomorrow as I don’t have a suitable environment to test it on at h…
I absolutely understand your busy schedule, no rush, mate, I very much appretiate that you even took a peek in this thread Keep the great work up, …
I’ll quote the documentation as I’ve never XRefed a persistent global variable, but merge seems to work fine: maxscript user documentation: Wh…
Oks, I found a workaround: persistent global variables. They don’t get keyable and update even when in the animate on context, which is what I’ve bee…
Same behaviour occurs when you add a Script Controller to the z_rot controller and define a “storedRot” and type in the controller this code: if F &l…
Yes, I have. I just found the problem, however, no workaround yet. The problem is as follows: I have a node under whose position controller I store …