that’s the stuff, you could now consider removing the link to to viewport slider and passing the controller of the actual object you are influencing, …
Hi chris, the ‘controller’ property needs exactly that in order to bind a scripted UI to a viewport control. Your method is passing a ‘value’ which w…
You have to love that. But come on Paul, enough is enough. There is more to life than making UI controls for 3D programs. err…can someone please let m…
Hi Jonah, Cache mode is fast You have the initial first populate call, but instead of discarding the thumbnails, it is storing them on the user’s lo…
Hi Jonah, sorry I didn’t see these questions before – you will have to call populate as you have already found out. There are some preset thumbsize pr…
I have finally been able to update HitchHiker to version 4.3 There are a few big improvements in this release – [I]Populate (from file array) Abi…
Hi ZBuffer, sorry for the delay. It is not possible currently, sorry.
Jeff Hanna found a bug in the control that has now been rectified. The download has been updated for anyone who has previously downloaded.
Hey Keith, Yes, that makes sense – I do the same thing on my XMLlayoutpanel control – it looks for a .png image with the same name as the XML preset …
Hi Johan, a max file search option could certainly be added if you needed it. I had that facility in the first version of this control. I abandoned i…
Hi Marco, Keith, and Paul Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it.
this might be a good place to start!
dang, I am just too sloooow tonight!
Hi Johan, The dotnet equivalent of a dropdown control is a combobox. There is also the option of repalcing the rcmenu with a contextmenustrip.