Hey Art, Jason What methods have you done for midi? I wrote a thing recently to use a midi control library in max – i hooked up my Roland TD-4 drumkit…
Hi jonah, artur, Hitchiker’s populate method accepts a path string of a directory, so I would call this in whatever the directory tree’s click event …
Are you not famous enough already, Neil?
Hey Yannick! Sorry, I have been meaning to get back to you! How are things going? Thanks for looking into the dotnetsdk color stuff for me. I did a li…
Hello All, Sorry its taken me so long to comment on your replies, I am just spammed with work at the moment. I looked into the event issue a bit mor…
thanks for the help chaps, i just tried putting the filein to the maxform code in the struct, with the same lack of event handler action. I can see w…
Maybe I’m being a bit dim. Are you calling the filein form code from the body of the struct itself? I’m not at my computer anymore but that would make…
Cheers yannick, Even calling a global struct from a scripted attibute has the same conclusion, zero events. Boo.
hi Yannick, actually, i will clarify – I haven’t used the filein UI method with a maxform/dotnetform, only with dotnetcontrols on a max rollout. With…
Hi Paul, That’s good to know as I do the same at the moment with other tools – i actually run a struct version of the interface from the network. All…
When I did some research into getting the 3ds max file thumbnail with dotnet, I’m pretty sure you could get and set these properties with dotnet and c…
Any thoughts on using this method and being able to customise the slider thumb appearance? At the moment i use a custom GDI drawn slider, which gives …
Denis, That is awesome work – the horizontal slider size is the bane of my life and ive never managed to get a dotnet replacement to work as well. Tha…
It’s because the maxform’s backcolor is automatically bound to the background of your max UI, meaning you dont need to pass it a color each time you o…