it’s always more fun to destroy, rather than to create things :banghead:
It seems like the interface isn’t there when you instantiate the ink n paint class. Whilst I’m not sure why exactly, adding the new material to the ma…
Hi Steve, Sorry i didnt see you reply until now. I didnt mean to confuse you refering to VB, i use the vb compiler to register a dotnetclass that ca…
I wrote a little something to do this a while back – It uses dotnet to call the API function you mentioned, albeit in a VB environment. The script …
Hi marcus, I wrote a method recently for a tool that needed to capture the viewport according to the render resolution. Mine was a quick and dirty me…
you can also use the PathSDK class in the managedservices.dll for a Dot Net version of this – show (dotnetclass “managedservices.pathsdk+DirectoryI…
hi, I posted a function on my blog a while back that i use to get a scaled viewport capture, you might find it useful. It’s a bit rough around the edg…
hi james, with textbox issues i have used the gotfocus and lostfocusevents to call enableaccelerators = true/false depending on the event. I have als…
hi james, I had exactly the same issue with custom dotnet controls in docked rollouts (and the command panel quite annoyingly) I fixed it in the sam…
Thanks matt, james I do the same as you james, I tend to code exclusively in VB within the visual studio environment and build the custom events so t…
Hi chaps, I think i have a sort of work in progress for automated control layout, thanks to bobo’s vertex renderer in the MXS Help
hi Paul, Cheers, I’d appreciate if you can add any pointers that could help me from your work! Again, im probably not using serliazation to it’s ful…
Hi Joel, thanks, I’ve got the great bobo’s vertex renderer code almost doing what i want, shouldn’t be too much to sort this.
Awesome, Thanks for taking the time to share your research on this James, I fear I may have a fair few questions in the future!
Hi Matthew, Nice work joel! I think i may have have assumed matthew wanted to resize a screen grab. I have used the interpolation modes with the grap…