Nice Eric, I have done the same so we’ve both been badgering Shane – complete list of online docs are – www.aut…
Hi Yannick, how are you? I believe you can download them at the bottom of this page – I haven’t got them yet myself so can’t say if they contain the …
Another alternative for the pot is to use LINQ to XML. I found this method much less cumbersome to use IMHO than navigating a XML tree manually via th…
I would second that, XML would be perfect for the sort of thing you are trying to store. My thinking – Is performance really an issue for strings of t…
Unlike max usercontrols, you can only pass height, width and position to a dotnetcontrol’s constructor. Any other properties should be defined in the …
And this is a dotnet class to perform Rendering and Viewport capture from a dotnet assembly. I use it in Rig Studio to retrieve the render or view cap…
Wow, that’s a thing of great beauty. Nice work Denis. Whilst I cannot trump that, I wanted to post a dotnet class that I use for testing Managedservi…
I’m still smarting from the fact you cant load a saved UVW layout into the modifier via MXS, before I would even get to this. I suppose you could u…
labbejason: maybe you can explain how one could ‘wire’ a property so when it changes it would actually trigger the color on the control to change. …
ooh, interesting. I’d looked into COM structured storage before – when I was working out how to get the max file thumbnail through dotnet. I dont thi…
Nice work, like the tabbed approach. It’s similar to the system we are using in production at the moment – dang, if they don’t want to use tools…
The problem with the external image libraries that can load things like TGA and DDS is that they are usually 32 bit. There is a 64bit version of image…
Hi Klaas, I just wanted to give an idea of how I implement the right click in a dotnetcontrol, I wasn’t trying to hijack Jason’s thread!
When I do my right-click menu in HitchHiker I handle as much as I can in the control by registering a custom right click mouse event that passes the s…
Gravey: could be fun trying though That would be tough, You’d have to be like Mr Miyagi!