When I have worked offsite between a studio and my office, I have generally mirrored the drive structure of the studio server with a mapped folder on …
The other issue with using #select is if the selection lock toggle is enabled, it doesn’t allow the selection focus to be passed onto the new objects….
The wife keeps mentioning about me taking a blue pill everyday. Is this the same?
Dustin, I wrote a layer control script as part of my talk at EUE last year – the write up, including all the source code is here . It shows how you …
Hey Charles, i was looking at this about a month ago. I found I was confused as to what extra it offered over code serialized as XML, unless I’m missi…
check the full signature of clonenodes : maxOps.CloneNodes <&node array>nodes offset:<point3> expandHierarchy:<boolean> cloneTy…
Yes, that’s certainly true. You can make simple tools to check assets for duplicate names to avoid this as much as possible, but it’s certainly not a …
using refs.dependson is a nice way of doing it. Skinops doesn’t allow you to get the bone as a node, only a string. I am never sure how efficient getn…
Hi Dustin, My original thought was to prune items out of the bone list by class, leaving only boneGeometry class items in the list. I’m not sure how…
Very nice!
usually a timer to force the redraw works for command panel redraw issues. the timer calls the redraw/invalidate method on the control itself. hackili…
hey Malcolm, I wanted to same thing a while back, so wrote a quick script as part of my rigging toolbox. Hopefully it will be useful to pick apart an…
Nice one Rotem, I looked into this a while back but it was mostly from the dotnet angle. If anyone is interested I wrote this article about what I fou…
In my talk at EUE the year before last I detailed a layer control script that we used in production for many years. There are a lot of methods includ…