Oops, absolutely right, I’m in nuke python mode still. My Bad. I’ve edited my original post to avoid confusion. Thanks for spotting that. This code i…
the @ is a verbatim string literal, it just means it doesn’t count the backward slash as an escape charater like or . They were added in max 2008 s…
Not hacky at all! I use commandline all the time on our pipeline as I consider it to be much cleaner than having to find/deploy custom dotnet assembli…
Hello, and welcome. try these videos for starters, should give a good overview of the basics.
Here is a basic snippet for you to look at. rollout transRollout “” width:259 height:73 ( mapped fn applyTransform obj axis val = ( — includes a…
I’m showing my age but I remember when you asked it Paul. I have always used either the morpher approach or copy/paste verts in Graphite tools to ge…
Hey Paul, if you use a maxcustomcontols.maxtextbox dotnetobject instead of a winforms one it should handle the keyboard focus for you automatically.
this code works in 2013 and 2010, although I am not on XP, Denis. Padding looks to be a strange one, is it that it needs a new instance of the padding…
Hey Paul, You should never code while attempting to beat a child at Risk. It’s in the max help. Left and top values are how I set the padding in Hit…
when I wrote Hitchhiker I managed to set a property to control the space between buttons, and it was just setting the control margin when populating. …
You can save an xml document of the array/struct into a string tab too. That works nicely.
if you took your scene as a literal example, where the point parent has only transformation applied as an offset, you could also add a list controller…
aiiieeeeeeeee, my eyes! :surprised
Here you go, try this! try (destroydialog test_button) catch () rollout test_button “Reset Max” ( — store the classes you want to make into an arra…
Hello Rotem, does this not accomplish the same? renderSceneDialog.isopen()