The following is the function I’m using, part of a larger framework struct which is loaded at startup. The libraries are cached by name. libraryCach…
For inhouse tools I use a system similar to Javascript’s ‘Require’, which lazily loads .ms files, and caches the module in a central location. Thus, …
This can also be achieved via .NET
Please explain why you find this improper in any way. B has a dependency on A. That doesn’t prevent C from having a dependency on A.
Doesn’t make sense to me that you would need to know, I assume max would take care of this automatically. If you want to take a look at an implementat…
Yeah they don’t exactly make it easy to find.
RenderGlobalContext has a boolean field called inMtlEdit, which lets you know if you’re currently rendering a material sample.
At which part are you stuck? Start with calling GetShadowGenerator on your GenLight object.
For me that path does refer to the 3dsmax folder inside the user directory, is it not always the case?
It is getting gamma corrected. Create your bitmap with gamma:1.0
I can think of how to do it using the SDK: Enumerate all the animatables and for each one save their class in a std::set
Shouldn’t it be button btn1 “Btn” pos:[16,32] width:24 height:24 images:#(i, a, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1) ?
functions run synchronously, which means your UI is not accessible while your code is running. two options: use progressStart and progressEnd. This…