Shouldn’t you also be disposing the IList<IPoint3> returned from mesh.MapVerts(Channel) and the IPoint3’s returned from mesh.GetVert(i)?
I noticed that the IPoint3 also implements IDisposable, so i’ll call that one too. Why on earth would they implement Point3 as a class, not to mentio…
You’re more likely to get an answer in the Maya related forums.
I assume this information is stored inside the HoldStore class, which is defined in max source code but only forward declared in the hold.h in the SDK…
Well, it won’t really be 0.004ms, because you won’t need the argument checks and casting for every iteration, and you can do it with a squared version…
In conclusion… MAXScript is inherently a slow language no matter what we do. fn MxsIsSlow = ( for v = 1 to 1000000 do ( ) ) ts = timestamp() …
denisT: you have to do it anyway with c# solution… after that you have to make an array suitable for your c# it will time as well… finally we will h…
I disagree, this can be proved with this test: fn getClosestMeshVert1 mesh point = ( local vert, dist = 1e9 for v=1 to mesh.numverts where (d = di…
I haven’t measured yet, but probably not as much as you think, I do it like this: public void SetVertices(float[] values) { for…
Unless I’m missing something, seems it can do it more than 100 times faster. Here’s some messy LINQPad code. struct Vector3 { public float X; …
Similar to post #5 of this thread
More on the naive algorithm, without any sorting or acceleration grids: I gave it a try in c# just for fun, and surprisingly it was around 30 times f…
No, let’s take a look at the new one
I think you’re looking to use AND, not OR. print (if (a != b AND a != c) then “not equal” else “equal”) ========================== If you look at t…
there is no || && ! in maxscript. It is or and not