“System.Windows.Forms.Timer” is the same class as “Timer”. Maxscript automatically searches inside “System.Windows.Forms”. “System.Timers.Timer” is a…
((dotnetClass “System.Diagnostics.Process”).GetProcessesByName “3dsmax”).count > 1
if myCheckBox[B].checked[/B] == true then … or simply if myCheckBox[B].checked[/B] then …
myQuad = Quadify_Mesh quadSize:100.0 modpanel.addmodtoselection myQuad
With the c# code or the c++ code?
MGernot: Wouldn`t this an ideal candidate for parallelization through TPL? Probably only for meshes with huge amounts of vertices. I would bet t…
Hmm I thought I would try to optimize it with SIMD for the fun of it, but I realize now it’s really not an ideal candidate due to the minimal amount o…
Can you post the code? I’ll give it a spin.
PolyTools3D: Great! 0.00016 seconds to process a 100K mesh isn’t bad, or is it? This would still be faster in C++, especially if it is SIMDed.
This runs about 18 times faster (yes, this is still c# code ) //define this somewhere in your class struct Point3 { public f…
I tried both versions and I get same result as PolyTools3D – the in-place version is about 60% slower for me. I believe this is because that no value…
I haven’t tried compiling, just thought it would explain why you get such different performance.
Are you compiling with optimizations enabled?
Ironically, none of these classes actually implement IDisposable… sigh
As far as I can tell, IPoint3 doesn’t really contain the X,Y,Z data, it’s just a wrapper around a pointer to a native Point3 in unmanaged memory. I th…