When I think about it, you don’t need threads at all. You can just do this: fn WaitForApprovalAndThen action = ( rollout approveRol “Press Ok to Co…
Hi you could use this structure: rollout threadSyncRol “Thread Sync” ( local action, sync timer tim active:off interval:1 on tim tick do ( …
Yes, of course. The idea is to do the long calculations in the bg thread and only the scene-specific manipulations in a thread invocation.
That’s exactly what I said, it modifies the scene in the UI thread but it can be called from a background thread, which means the UI doesn’t have to b…
Inside sceneManipulatingAction obviously
Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of invoking scene-manipulating code from a background thread using max’s own timer ui element. The trick is tha…
The more important question is WHY
No problem at all, just thought it would be easier for you.
LayerManager.Current.wireColor = red You know, you could just check the help file, that’s what I’m doing to answer your questions.
(LayerManager.getLayer k).current = true or AnimLayerManager.setLayerActive k
You must set UseItemStyleForSubItems to false for each ListViewItem
I meant that you’d need Autodesk’s permission, not the authors’. If you wrote a script for a company and transferred them the rights, someone who wish…
Why would you need their permission? Doesn’t Autodesk own the rights?
It doesn’t have to be global, but in order to keep it from being garbage collected, you must: keep a reference to it somewhere, like a struct, rollo…