I must admit I also only saw you wrote that after posting my reply.
You also need to include MNMath.lib in your linker input.
AngryBear: void ChangeModFromNode(INode* node, BOOL Enable, BOOL Delete){ } Putting this particular example aside and ignoring the fact that it…
Modifiers don’t exist on an INode, they exist on an Object. Read the documentation for IDerivedObject to see how to access the modifier stack.
aaandres: I would like my scripts to run only in my company computers. You know what I mean! Does your company manufacture it’s own processors?
a = @”C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\” getfilenamepath (trimRight a “\\/”)
Have you verified that the second ip->GetActiveViewExp() call is returning a different viewport than the first? i.e. – does vpt now refer to a diff…
If the view is not a user view then the transformation is not changed and the method returns FALSE Did you verify that SetAffineTM returns TRUE?
This is how maxscript does it: static int vpt_lookup[] = { MAXCOM_VPT_LEFT, MAXCOM_VPT_RIGHT, MAXCOM_VPT_TOP, MAXCOM_VPT_BOTTOM, MAXCOM_VPT_FRO…
AngryBear: But 32 for normal? These are the values you should be passing:
I don’t have time to check at the moment, but I think I’ve done this before and I think it involved atan2 function to get the 360 degree angle between…
For any non-convex polygon, you must use an algorithm which takes into consideration which side of the line you were offsetting the previous point to….
The most dominant was that I would micro-optimize everything to the point of absurdity. I kept doing silly things in c# like hoisting string literals …
+1. I had to unlearn so much when moving to statically typed languages.
Denis have you run out of people to argue with that you have taken on yourself?