Nice im happy that u solved your problem, it would be great if you can post example im interested how you did it with maxscript.
No problem, I’m glad i could help.
If you install 3ds max 2010 SDK you will get .NET assemblies with it (i dont know does 2009 has it). Then you can import ManagedServices.dll in to yo…
To run maxscript code you could use: MaxscriptSDK.ExecuteMaxscriptCommand(); If this is applicable to your problem.
To update UI from different thread this is what you need to do: delegate void UpdateSomeUiElement(string updatetext) void UpdateIT(string tex…
Here is UIBuilder prerelease preview any and all comments are more than welcome…
So true Johan… Thank you Light and cheers to you too.
I’m starting to think i dug up something evil when i initiated this thread:)
Maybe this helps or gives you idea… public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Form1_Paint); } public void Form1_Pa…
Thank you Peter if you can post your class im sure it will come handy… Max and dotnet are communicating quite nicely now… i have developed couple of …
Thank you Peter, i figured there are alot of ways to make custom controls… I was thinking about creating most of my project in c# and use ManagedServ…
Thank you JHN, i understood the problem tested it in windows forms application same thing like you sead, off to make custom event handler thx again.
Could you give a small example for a simple button like im trying to do, The thing i dont understaind is: if i call event handler for a button in ma…
I understaind… I have not changed button control in any way. I used the default one just added it as custom control as a test because im planning to m…