You can allso create a panel and then in paint method of panel use Graphics.DrawString method to write out whatever you want and then use panel.DrawTo…
Thank you for your advice, for now its still not worth to dig thru win api… i will have to use some other workflow construct.
Sorry i forgot to say that this will work in 3ds max 2010 and up, isDirectoryWritable is new in 3ds max 2010
I managed to customize ribbon adding stuff but i agree ribbon control is so slow. But its nice that you can customize start up interface to something …
Ok finally did it Autodesk.Windows.ToolBars.QuickAccessToolBarSource strip = ComponentManager.QuickAccessToolBar; if (strip != null) …
Thank you… it helped me alot. Im now looking into assemblies, could you possibly post example how you add buttons to toolbar because i made few exampl…
Just a quick question its a bit off topic where do you find Autodesk.Windows etc… Assembly i dont see it in the SDK
For pure C#: Book: It helped me alot, its a bit dated 2008 but has all u need to get you started, i think there is a newer version with .NET 4.0… W…
If you add on top System.Drawing.Imaging; You wont have to type all that and you will get access to enum PixelFormat As for the mo…
Kickflipkid687: Dang! That’s awesome! How did you do the screencap process? I wanted to do that exact thing, drag a freeform box a…
Sorry for the repeating, first answer showed up after i submitted
rollout MyRollout “SliderTest” rollout MyRollout “SliderTest” ( slider MySlider “Slider” on MySlider changed val do ( print val ) ) createdi…
Looks nice… good luck with your project.