Hi, Try this tool: Light
Hi Charles, You can’t. I know because I asked Larry about it before. Only way would be to use a callback or timer, but if the user select multiple S…
Hi, Try using selection[1].remove() As for Editable Mesh, there is no remove command for it. Do you mean Delete? Light
Hey Rune Spaans?! I am a big fan of your work. Unfortunately your website doesn’t show up nowadays? It’s quite interesting though. I was showing the…
for i = arr.count to 1 by -1 collect arr[i] Light
Hi, Replace the create mirrorVerts window part with this: mirrorVerts_window = newRolloutFloater “mirrorVerts” 235 295 200 200 addrollout mv mirrorV…
Hi, MAXScript doesn’t have a % operator like C++ does. It can be done like John suggested, however the second for loop could be written like so: fo…
You can also use Rigid Body Pro, which is an improved version of the default property editor. Light
Hi, Try using isDeleted objectName. Light
Yeah Martin is right. It’s just a variable that holds the current parameter state, hence my use of pState. Light
Hi, Use a checkbutton like this: on cb checked pState do selection.modifiers[#TurboSmooth].enabled = pState Light
Hi, Use deleteItem array index Light
Hi, Try this: ( convertToSplineShape selection[1] max modify mode subObjectLevel = 1 max select all splineOps.weld selection[1] ) Light
Hey Chris, I think #1 is better. Light
I think it doesn’t have renaming function for now, but it lets you to type a new name as soon as a new folder is added. To delete a folder, hold down…