Hi, You can but you are using curly braces. Light
Hi, I would recommend using a .NET TrackBar control, which would give you access to the Size property and much more. Light
Or use the methods in the Clipboard class in .NET, if you don’t want external dependencies, etc. Light
Hey, You can use a method like this: fn GetPolygonFromFace objPoly objMesh face = ( local faceVerts = GetFace objMesh face local sharedPoly = P…
Hey Paul, You can use the MouseUp event of the PictureBox. You might also need to use TheHold instead of the undo context, like: TheHold.Begin() DoS…
I think Copy method returns OK because it just performs a shallow copy. Light
Truly inspirational work. 5 stars from me. Keep them coming. Cheers, Light
It’s easy. Implementation: ( local offsetTransformation = lastPos – firstPos for eachVert in softVerts do ( local softTransform = (PolyOp.G…
I came across this problem in C#, when using a ListView with FullRowSelect property set to true. You can workaround this by: Setting FullRowSelect p…
If you have .NET Framework 3.5 (Beta), you could use Linq to Xml. Light
I also wrote a function for this similar to Bobo’s which is at orionflame.com > Light > Production Tools > C4 Light
Don’t know of a built in method, but this should do it: fn ToDecimalString str digits = ( local result = “” for i = str.count to 1 by -1 do …
Mine is a simple method that parses the macros into a searchable form. You can find it here > Light > Production Tools > Supra > C4 > …
Hi, You can also check out my LayerMan tool that is similar to what you are asking. It uses multiple TreeView ActiveX controls to get around these pr…