OK, try this: ( local sel = selection[1] case classOf sel of ( editable_poly: polyOp.setFaceMatID sel (polyOp.getFaceSelection sel) 7 editable_mesh: …
Because getFaceSelection & setFaceMatID are Editable Mesh fns. So you will need to use their Editable Poly correspondings in order to use Editable…
OR local sel = selection[1].baseObject polyOp.[b][b]setFaceMatID sel (polyOp.getFaceSelection sel) matID Light [/b][/b]
Hi, You can also use Explode Elements [flamefx.com]. Light
Well, developing websites is really not my thing. That’s why I created a simple website. Besides I can’t afford to spend more time on it. Hopefully th…
thehive, Try looking at the code of Pola X [flamefx.com] as it has a set of fns to do exactly what you want. Light
“Is it possible to delegate buttons events to functions? Currently I have for every button a “on btnXYZ pressed do” with roughly the same content. Is …
Hi, You can try using Cap X. If you want a 1 click feature, let me know so I can modify it for you. Light
Hi, As far as I know not in floaters created via scripting. Light
Hi, Try this: Iso2Roll.C2Iso.changed false Light
Hi, You should declare your test fn as global. Light
Hi, This should do what you need: rollout new “” ( on new mouseMove pos do print pos ) createDialog new 300 200 Light
Hi, Maybe this does what you need: if (selection.count == 1) and (classOf selection[1].baseObject == Editable_Poly) do ( selection…
Oh, actually I was calling them soulburn pack really, I guess it is because I saw mostly your name [along with the “soulburn” word/email] in those scr…
Hey Neil, Your soulburn pack is always a very nice one, thanks for updating it! Light